The Rural Surgeons

Practicing in Rural Areas
There are currently about 1,700 rural surgeons, and technology is making it much easier to stay in touch!
Looking for a rural job?
E-mail me at!
Be Proactive
The easiest way to make a change is by starting locally. Knock on your administrators door and build a plan together. Talk about your wants, needs and visions for the future. Don't wait for someone to ask, be proactive. Get involved in the decisions being made for your hospital, clinic, county, state and country. No one knows better than you how these decisions will effect your patients. Help out early and often in the recruitment process. Know the strengths and weaknesses of your facility, partners, collegues and community.

Budding Surgeons
Embrace the opportunity to learn & teach! Help older surgeons understand you might be more comfortable with procedures they are not, but be willing to learn how to do some things "the old fashioned way." Technology is expensive, and your goal is always better patient care.
It is in your community's best interest to work together.
Be willing to work hard and know your limits. Make clear your expectations.
Seasoned Surgeons
Know that the students of today are being trained in a different way than you were trained. No one you bring in is going to be you.
Embrace this opportunity to teach & learn! Help younger surgeons understand the perks and pitfalls of your community, and emplore their help with EMR. Understand they might be more comfortable with procedures you are not, but less comfortable with procedures with which you are familiar.
It is in your community's best interest to work together.!
Special Interest Groups
The American College of Surgeons is a great resource for students, residents, fellows and practicing surgeons. ACS promotes and safeguards the highest standards of surgical care, and they're taking a big interest in rural medicine. Please welcome their first new council since 1988: The Advisory Council for Rural Surgery!
Advisory Council for Rural Surgery
The ACRS was established in 2012 to identify, investigate and rectify the challenges of rural surgical practice. They have been hard at work developing relationships and programs to create a solid support system for surgeons and surgeons-in-training. They have already created a list-serve and the Society for Young Rural Surgeons.
Society for Young Rural Surgeons
Just hatching, the Society for Young Rural Surgeons is a growing community of rural and international physicians interested in serving those with limited resources. They offer a mentoring program!
Provides our government recommendations to improve American health & health care.
American Medical Association Alliance
This family-oriented network of physicians and their spouces has been around since 1922. They are active on both state and national levels. The AMA Alliance represents all stages of the medical lifestyle from physician education through retirement. This is a great way to include family in your passion for medicine!
Rural General Surgery Coalition
A network of well-informed and action-oriented folks looking to solidify the access to general surgery for rural populations. E-mail Jonathan Sprague to join!
2010 - present
2010 - present
*The Rural Surgeons Film Project is not affiliated with any of these organizations. If there's a resource you'd like us to add, send us an e-mail!