The Rural Surgeons

Educators & Administrators
With all the rules & regulations constantly being pushed on you, we know you've got a lot on your plate. If we're going to improve healthcare, however, we need to be proactive and think outside the box a little. Here are a few ideas and links we've come across.

We need more residencies & fellowships for general surgery!
What makes a surgeon right for rural?
Right now, there is a huge demand for surgeons of all specialties in rural areas, but rural communities won't just accept anyone. Here's what to look for:
Broad Skill Set
This goes for all specialties (including general surgery). The more they can do, the more of an asset they become.
Strong Work Ethic
It takes a lot of revenue to run a hospital. The more you can keep in-house, the better! Your surgeon should be willing to use ALL of their skills.
Know Your Limits
With the willingness to do the work, comes the great responsibility of knowing your limits. Make sure you have the proper back-ups to support the care you're asking your surgeon to provide. Reputation is your only marketing tool in the rural setting, and good or bad, everyone will know.
A Happy Spouse
A surgeon can work anywhere, but if their spouse won't be happy in a rural community, it won't work out. Make sure the spouse feels welcome and their career is supported.
Board Certified by the American Board of Surgery
This certification is an unparalleled measure of knowledge and quality. You want a surgeon who takes that iniciative.
Fellow of The American College of Surgeons
This is a mark of dedication to their craft. It not only proves hunger for self-improvement, but the desire to play a role in bettering surgery in your state, country, and the world.
If you can expand your surgical programs to include a rural rotation (or even better, a rural residency year), students will come; it's in demand!
Help students understand there are a lot of programs out there with the sole purpose of helping pay off loans for those interested in practicing in rural or underserved areas.
Crush the idea that physicians practicing in rural areas are anything less than the best!
By involving your facilities and physicians in an educational program, you not only provide an invaluable learning experience, but gain a leg up in recruiting.
Support your physicians! If you don't trust or believe in your talent, how can you expect your community to? If you don't have the quality of surgeon you want, get someone you can brag about!
Know your community, their needs, and your limits.
Recruiting a physician?
E-mail me at!
Want to be a training site?
E-mail me at!
2010 - present
2010 - present
*The Rural Surgeons Film Project is not affiliated with any of these organizations. If there's a resource you'd like us to add, send us an e-mail!